Alethea AI Makes ‘Text To Interactive AI Character NFTs’ A Reality: iNFTs

Alethea AI

Alethea AI (ETH: $ALI) combines the power of artificial intelligence (AI) and the blockchain to bring ownership to Generative AI assets and models through tokenization on the AI Protocol.

Using Alethea AI’s technology, the creation, interoperability, and governance of AI-generated models, characters, dApps, and assets becomes democratized, giving control to the users.

“In the same way that the internet revolutionized content distribution, AI is revolutionizing content creation. Large Language Models such as GPT-3 and ChatGPT, Text-to-Image Models like Stable Diffusion, DALL-E 2 and MidJourney, and now Alethea AI’s text-to-character AI system CharacterGPT mark the beginning of a new age in content creation.”

The AI Protocol

Alethea AI is building on the AI Protocol, which is governed by a set of self-enforcing smart contracts. As a result, developers can create dApps and launch interoperable assets securely and trustless. Several working dApps have already been launched on the AI Protocol.

The entire protocol is governed by a decentralized entity called the AI Protocol Institute (AIPI). It ensures an unbiased and democratic use of the protocol and all future associated technologies. The governance body makes all decisions in the spirit of its founding values.

Noah’s Ark dApp

The Noah’s Ark dApp is intended to create interactive and intelligent NFTs (iNFTs). Alethea AI, the creator of the iNFT standard, will embed AI animation and generative AI into the NFTs. Noah’s Ark is intended to become the world’s biggest intelligent Metaverse. dApp

The dApp is the first of its kind on the AI Protocol. The dApp is designed to provide access to CharacterGPT V2 to the masses, enabling the creation of realistic, interactive AI characters that are emotionally expressive and tokenizable on the blockchain.

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Recent Developments

Alethea Ai recently revealed that its AI Protocol had integrated with Open Fusion, which can combine ChatGPT and more generative AI capabilities into NFTs via CharacterGPT V2. Alethea AI also disclosed that their fusion technology would be available to all ERC-721 NFTs. Business NFTs would be equipped with an Intelligence Pod in the Noah’s Ark dApp and Open Fusion would authorize NFT creators to tap into the Generative capabilities of ChatGPT, enabling them to become intelligent NFTs or iNFTs.

The $ALI Utility Token

The Artificial Liquid Intelligence (ETH: $ALI) token is the native token of the AI Protocol. It can be used for various purposes, including the creation of iNFTs. Additionally, the token can be used to upgrade the intelligence of iNFTs. $ALI tokens are also used for the governance of the iNFT ecosystem.

Another use case for the $ALI token will be to enable collaboration between iNFTs. It means that eventually, iNFTs with different personalities, skills, and other traits, can partner to create teams and rely on each other for AI services they cannot perform alone.


The $ALI tokens have a maximum supply of 10 billion tokens. They utilize a long-term deflationary model, which means some of the tokens could be burned in the remote future. The tokens are currently available for sale via a UniSwap V3 pool, with a market cap of $179.54 million. They have a circulating supply of 3.58 billion tokens and 24-hour trading volumes of $11.03K.

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Alethea AI Represents the Future of Blockchain Technology

Recently, there has been a lot of chatter regarding AI technology and the blockchain’s role in preserving ownership when using generative AI. With its AI Protocol, Alethea has found a way to merge these two technologies to benefit the masses, and help them preserve ownership. The AI Protocol will provide an incentive for the world to continue creating generative AI products, without worrying about losing ownership. The project’s $ALI token has several use cases with considerable potential for future growth.

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